Part-Level Reliability

In an ideal world, operators would assign Equipment Numbers to every piece of equipment and sub-component in their hierarchy to track history, improve reliability efforts and enhance their overall maintenance strategy. The process of assigning Equipment Numbers, however, is easier said than done, and the tedious process of tagging every piece equipment and sub-component in the field can become overwhelming and not worth the effort.

Major EAMs do not track the history for sub-components and assemblies on Work Orders unless they have a unique Equipment Number assigned at each level.  AIC, on the other hand, correlates every part used in a work order with its corresponding page (or “component”) when adding parts to the shopping cart.

For example, let’s say that in SAP (or any other EAM) you have assigned an Equipment Number to the “Filler” (with no children within SAP). The technician would then generate the corresponding Work Order for this asset, using AIC to easily identify the parts information and populate the Work Order:

As you can see from the image, AIC records which component each part got selected from. SAP only attributes the Work Order with the “Filler,” while AIC aptly correlates part M000947 with the “Filling Valve VKS” Component page.

In other words, SAP will only provide part information from Work Order history, unless the business has undergone extensive Equipment Number program for components and sub-components. AIC, on the other hand, provides a detailed history for any subcomponent, at any level, without the laborious efforts involved with setting such a system up in SAP.

To visualize the history for a specific component, users simply click directly on the Assembly name within AIC’s corresponding page and access parts, components, and sub-component reliability reports to make smarter, more informed, decisions in the maintenance process.