Equipment Manufacturers
Asset Information Center (AIC) is an application used by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to visualize asset information for customers and dealers. The Interactive Parts System provides a user-friendly environment to identify parts, populate a Shopping Cart, access documents, and generate Sales Orders.
Unrivaled Customer Experience
AIC provides a shopping experience that modern-day customers demand from OEMs.
Using a phone, tablet, or PC, customers can quickly search for parts, add them to a Shopping Cart, and generate sales orders; all while easily accessing important data from various sources within the shopping flow.
Best of Breed Approach
AIC's open-API architecture allows for easy integration with your existing business systems (ERP, Content Management System, Dealership Management System, Document management system, etc.)
This visual culmination of data empowers customers with rich information, from disparate systems, in one centralized interface.
Significant Increase of Profit
AIC boosts profits by increasing aftermarket part sales & customer satisfaction while reducing overhead costs associated with labor-intensive sales order processes (call centers, email processing, dealership support, etc.)
Make your company stand above the rest with AIC's modern & advanced capabilities.

Metanoia's world-class service team will create Interactive BOMs from any part catalog format, and AIC offers capabilities for customers to publish themselves. Automation rules king, as Metanoia creates customized processes to automate catalog creation from CAD files and publishing tools.
AIC embeds Interactive Parts Catalogs and ERP information within websites, e-commerce stores, and Dealership Management Systems. Your customers will have a seamless experience accessing all the information they need within a single interface.
AIC is purpose-built for Asset Information Management and makes otherwise redundant processes quite seamless. Users leverage its ability to easily update Global OR Local information, track supersessions, tag warranty information, access real-time ERP data, and easily control content versions.